Friday, April 17, 2015


When I heard Zane Anderson bring the word to Fresh Start Church online.  A particular part of his message resonated in my Spirit.  He said you were both a stop light in an expensive sports car and the light turned green and you shifted gears.  I felt I should share this dream with you that I had about 2 ½ years ago.
The Sesto Elemento Lamborghini

On November 4, 2012, I had a dream that I was walking on a sidewalk and I was approaching a car and when I got to the car the car was a Lamborghini and it was silver and red inside and a man gave me the keys to it.  There were three keys and he said it is yours to have. 

So I got in it and was driving it and I was by myself and a voice said, “Can you go faster than you are going?”  I believe it was God speaking to me.  He is that voice.  Then I said, “I don’t want to go any faster because I don’t want to crash or get a ticket for speeding.”  The voice said again, “Can you go faster than you are?”  This is the second time.

I looked on internet for the car and found it (see below).  It is worth 2.92 million dollars.  The car was manufactured in 2011.  At that time it was the fastest car in the world.  It is not even street legal in America.  Only 20 of these vehicles were made in 2011. 

When I shared the dream with Patti two words came to her mind.  “Rare” and “Costly” She believed that what the vehicle is housing is very rare and it will be very costly in the spiritual sense.  Emily said that God had given you three keys.  When the keys were handed to me they were on a circle key ring the size of a plate.  Instead of the keys dangling all together they were each in a set position like a clock.  They were set a position 9, position 12, and position 3.  There was some revelation about the Lamborghini and a connection to a blur. 

I talked with a minister friend in Northern Ireland and this was part of his interpretation of the dream. Transport means entry to another realm. The times on the clock are the Roman change of guard which relates back to another period.  It could be same as a Joseph dream with two angles.   Three changes there is three anointing’s.  You are wishing not to break the law, could be more unto the law hindering you.  Talking about the law of the flesh.  Not the police.  This is why you are being told to speed up.  When we are under the law we cannot break out of its speed, but in the glory there is speed faster than lightning because God is what you think.

Then he said, Revelation and plan are two different things.

I can have revelation of God and not know what he has for me.
Revelation is insight.  Peter said, “Thou are the Christ” but Peter didn’t know the plan.
Revelation is God given. Revelation is higher than knowledge. Knowledge ends it is limited
Revelation is unlimited-It is layered. Reason-God is the source.

Because God dwells in eternity “no time” than when he shows us the plan we can think it will happen next week and it’s all panic mode. However, as in him all is layered.  Which means he will guide you “Step by Step”

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