Friday, April 17, 2015


God created you for His purpose and one of those purposes IS NOT TO EVER OVER LOOK YOU. Do not get discourage because people OVER LOOK YOU because of who you are, where you come from, what you don't have. The Lord spoke to me the ones that have OVER LOOKED YOU, they will regret it WHEN YOU BECOME SUCCESSFUL for the Kingdom of God. The Lord EMPHASIZED to me DO NOT DO THE SAME TO THOSE THAT OVER LOOKED YOU. Do not change your Character to please them because the Lord said there are going to be many that have been OVER LOOKED, and the Lord is about to touch many and make them SUCCESSFUL in all areas of life, the common denominator is the touch from the Lord.

Welcome those people into your life that have OVER LOOKED YOU and let them see your WORTH and SUBSTANCE. The Lord spoke to me today about BEING OVER LOOKED for the second day in a row. This is what he said to me, "Do not OVER LOOK YOURSELF because people HAVE A TENDENCY to start believing what they hear from others why don't you start believing what I have placed in you and have spoken over you". The word TENDENCY means makes someone likely to think or behave in a particular way. Question:  What TENDENCY are you going to follow? Other people or the one that created you with the things that the Lord planted in you.

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