Thursday, December 31, 2015

Vision statement for Believing 4 Healing

Believing 4 Healing Ministries          

Benny Smith, Founder
PO Box 8924
Surprise, AZ  85374



December 30, 2015

To Ministry Partners,

The vision that the Lord has put on me and Believing 4 Healing Ministries is this: Healing crusades for the masses, teaching the word of the Lord to the masses, and feeding the masses for the purpose of giving all the Glory and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has showed me through dreams and visions and even spoken word to me that THOUSANDS WILL BE SAVED and THOUSANDS WILL BE HEALED and THOUSANDS WILL BE DELIVERED FROM THEIR BONDAGES and THOUSANDS WILL BE FED with food to their PHYSICAL BODY and their SPIRITUAL BODY as well and clothed them throughout the countries of India and Pakistan and all of the continent of Africa and yes even America where it is needed very much, where I must go too.  The Lord has put this on me to go to these nations and make a difference for the Kingdom of God and bring the masses into the Kingdom of Heaven.

I will expand on the healing the Lord has showed me in the healing in the MASSES.  This will happen that LIMBS will grow back and even body parts as well, CANCER will fall out of peoples body, people WILL WALK out of wheelchairs and the blind will SEE and the deaf will HEAR, and ALL infirmities will leave people’s bodies. And yes the Lord as well has spoken that MENTAL illness will leave as well.  Even body parts will be put back in place where they belong, in fact, the Lord will SNAP them back in place where the BODY IS OUT OF ORDER.

And I will expand on the feeding and clothing them, the Lord has showed me digging wells for CLEAN WATER and providing SOCKS and SHOES and PANTS and SHIRTS and COATS and even PLANTING GARDENS for them in the villages in INDIA and PAKISTAN and all of over the CONTINENT OF AFRICA. And I know that there is a need as well in AMERICA for food and clothing.

And I will expand on the teaching the teaching will only come from the word of God the HOLY BIBLE!!!! The Lord Jesus had COMPASSION before He FED them and TAUGHT them and HEALED them.

Matthew 14:14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with COMPASSION toward them, and he healed their sick.

Matthew 15:32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have COMPASSION on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.

Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with COMPASSION toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

I believe starting in 2016 that there are 100 people or more people that can and will partner with me and Believing 4 Healing Ministries with 25 dollars a month and 100 people or more with 50 dollars or more and 100 people or more with 75 dollars a month and 100 dollars or more a month to make a difference in this world. Just listen to what the Lord tells you, what your part is, just be obedient to His Voice. And as well I believe that there are 100 people or more that will Partner in PRAYER with me and Believing 4 Healing Ministries. And I believe that when you partner with me we all become a part of something bigger than we ever could if we did it by ourselves.

In 2008, I received dreams and visions about all the healing's that I have listed on the top of this page except one and that is raising the DEAD. I was having these dreams and visions 3 times a week and the Lord gave me the name of this Ministry while I was driving from Texas to Arizona in August 2012. The Lord has put his COMPASSION in me to see all people WHOLE, COMPLETE and HEALED from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet.

While working 60+ hours weekly since 2011, every waking hour not working has been dedicated to prayer for people’s needs on the phone, in person, and through internet, my personal Facebook account, ministry page, and website.  I have also spent much time in fasting and prayer and contending for God’s manifested presence, his power, and glory to come.

And I believe there is no limitation from the Lord. He is able to heal every disease, every infirmity which people face.  I can only live and walk in the NORMALCY of the Lord not the NORMALCY of man there is a big difference between them we must understand that. And I believe in my dreams in 2008 the Lord was showing me that Revival was coming to America and I would be a part of it in a way that the Lord can only do and it will spread to India and Pakistan and all of the continent of Africa and America.  I believe the Lord was showing me what is to come this revival will be something that no one has seen before in there life. And in this revival His PRESENCE comes then His POWER then His GLORY fills the altars up and everyone that is in His GLORY will be healed.

If this ministry has been a support to you with prayer and words of encourage and you desire to see revival in America, please consider making a monthly financial commitment for the year 2016 by completing the attached commitment form.  Even if you are unable to support this ministry financially but plan to support it through prayer we ask that you fill out the commitment card and return via email or through post office box.

One last thing the Lord Jesus is the only way to HEALING.

Compassion in Teaching, Feeding, and Healing the masses,

Benny Smith