Monday, August 24, 2015


Now I want to share with you about what the Lord said to me at our Revival Service last night. And the Lord said this to me 3 times and in 3 different places empty your wallet and give it to the cost of the Revival. And I said Lord I gave 5 dollars already to it and the Lord said to me "what do you want me to do with that" And I only had 80 dollars in my wallet and I have not worked since February of this year and only receiving unemployment of only $240 week and this does not pay our bills and on top of this the Lord said go into full time ministry because it is time. So I empty my wallet and gave the 80 dollars and I am trusting the Lord with this. And my wife gave 20 dollars which was half of what she had. And the Lord gave me a scripture of the woman giving everything she had and that was a penny. And this is a sacrifice for us to do, but obedience is greater than Sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22(Amplified Bible) "Samuel said, Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams".
So give it all when the Lord tells you too even when you do not understand it like me. When you give your all that is an Extravagant gift that I gave, and the Lord said watch what I do with that Extravagant gift that I gave. And watch what I do in return, you will receive an Extravagant gift because of your OBEDIENCE to me.And as well I know this is a SACRIFICE.
And I add this the Lord said there are many people that are worse off then me this is to be an encouragement to others just be obedient because He knows where you are at financially and everything else in your life. Because He would not ask you to do something that you cannot handle.And remember you got to go through the WHOLE STORM before you see His blue sky/Blessings, and what He will restore what you lost and remember the latter rain will be greater then the beginning rain.

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