Monday, August 20, 2012

      I don't know why God is using me for this, but i must obey him. I am just a vessel that he is using. This is not easy but i must obey God. In all things even this. God is not happy with his children, but he still Loves all his children. 1 John 3:1, Eph 5:1; But like a parent he still loves you when you do things that make him angry. Just like your earthly parents.
    Right now he is angry because of the way we live we are not living right in his sight. He see's us looking at other things instead of Him, to be filled; Psalms 55:22. We are turning away from him; Hebrews 12:25, Hebrews 11:7, 1 Peter 3:20. We must turn back to him, we need to turn away from sin. He is calling it out. Drugs,alcohol, pornography, gambling, adultery, gay marriages,abortion, greed, and violence. Proverbs 6:25, Psalms 37:8, Psalms 127:3, Titus 2:12 1Cor 6:19 And my widows and orphans are not being taken care of Exod 22:22. Do you thinks that all the things that are going on in this Country, it's because of all the sin in the country. It is easy it is easy to fix; turn from your sin and your land will be healed, 2 Cor 7:14. If you dont turn away from thess sin, I will remove my hand little by little. Your killing my unborn children by the thousands each year, stop doing this. I am angry about the gay marriages, it's suppose to be one man and one woman. You need to stand on my word and turn away from your fleshly desires before it is to late. Stop lusting for what is not me. 1 Timothy 6:11; follow righteousness, goodness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. God has had enough of the "lukewarm" believers, it is time to Stand for the Truth. Rev 3:16. God is drawing a line in the sand you must  make a choice because you cannot sever two masters, Matthew 6:24,Luke 16:13, Luke 6:46, Rom 6:16. American is at the fork in the road we love the person but we cannot except there life style in any kind of life style that is aganist God's word.If there is no repentance there will be judgement. 1 Peter 4:17. God said to me that the True believer will not be touch or harmed 1 John 5:18, Psalms 105:15. God is saying we need to wake up before its to late 1 Corin 15:34,rom 13:11. God is saying this is a warning to everyone. take heed to it.

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