Monday, August 27, 2012

A True Vision

Everthing that God is removed from will die. If you remove God from your business it will die.  If you remove God from your family it  will die.  If  you remove God from the country it will die.  If you remove God from the schools it will die.  If  you remove God from the church it will die.

When God is placed it will live. If you place God in your business it will live. If you place God in your family it will live. If you place God in your country it will live. If you place God in your school it will live. If you place God in Church it will live.

God spoke this over me.Anything that you remove God from will result in Chaos.  Chaos in America is what happens when you remove God. There is no longer any restraint or protection and and the enemy has rein over you. It will open the door to a curse.

Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law happy is he.

1 Corin 5:13 But them that are without GOD judgeth, Therefore put away from among, yourselves that wicked person.

Exod 23:25
And  ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; And I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

God gave me a dream on Aug 23, 2012,  and He said this is part of the word that He gave me on July 26th,  2012.   And here is the dream God showed me.  California will fall into the ocean and many people will die.    I saw homes, buildings, cars, people of all ages and lots of livestock in the ocean and nobody could help them at all.

People were reaching out for God, and God's response to the people in the ocean was, "IT IS TOO LATE,  because you have been warned  many times and you have not  taken this to your  heart."  God revealed to me that the people are worse than in Noah's Day.  When this happens and it will happen. God said to me, "people are more Arrogant than ever,  more perverse,  turning away from Him more and more each day, there is no other way."   God was very upset, you could hear it in his voice, that it had to come to this point.

God gave me these scriptures how people behaved in Noah and Abraham's Day; Gen 18:20,  "And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is GREAT, AND THEIR SIN IS VERY GRIEVOUS."   Gen 6:5, "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY, also Jude 1:7  Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire..

Another scripture that  God gave me, the comparison when He closed the door to the Ark in Gen7:16, and it says" And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and THE LORD SHUT HIM IN". People were screaming at Noah to let them in to be saved but it was to late just like it will when this happens in California.  People will be screaming at God to save them but it will be too late.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

      I don't know why God is using me for this, but i must obey him. I am just a vessel that he is using. This is not easy but i must obey God. In all things even this. God is not happy with his children, but he still Loves all his children. 1 John 3:1, Eph 5:1; But like a parent he still loves you when you do things that make him angry. Just like your earthly parents.
    Right now he is angry because of the way we live we are not living right in his sight. He see's us looking at other things instead of Him, to be filled; Psalms 55:22. We are turning away from him; Hebrews 12:25, Hebrews 11:7, 1 Peter 3:20. We must turn back to him, we need to turn away from sin. He is calling it out. Drugs,alcohol, pornography, gambling, adultery, gay marriages,abortion, greed, and violence. Proverbs 6:25, Psalms 37:8, Psalms 127:3, Titus 2:12 1Cor 6:19 And my widows and orphans are not being taken care of Exod 22:22. Do you thinks that all the things that are going on in this Country, it's because of all the sin in the country. It is easy it is easy to fix; turn from your sin and your land will be healed, 2 Cor 7:14. If you dont turn away from thess sin, I will remove my hand little by little. Your killing my unborn children by the thousands each year, stop doing this. I am angry about the gay marriages, it's suppose to be one man and one woman. You need to stand on my word and turn away from your fleshly desires before it is to late. Stop lusting for what is not me. 1 Timothy 6:11; follow righteousness, goodness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. God has had enough of the "lukewarm" believers, it is time to Stand for the Truth. Rev 3:16. God is drawing a line in the sand you must  make a choice because you cannot sever two masters, Matthew 6:24,Luke 16:13, Luke 6:46, Rom 6:16. American is at the fork in the road we love the person but we cannot except there life style in any kind of life style that is aganist God's word.If there is no repentance there will be judgement. 1 Peter 4:17. God said to me that the True believer will not be touch or harmed 1 John 5:18, Psalms 105:15. God is saying we need to wake up before its to late 1 Corin 15:34,rom 13:11. God is saying this is a warning to everyone. take heed to it.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Prophetic Word from God July 26, 2012

On July 26th,2012, God spoke to me and said prepare yourself for something is coming to America.(He did not tell me what it was)  America is about to have surgery, things are going to be cut off and removed.  If you believe in my Son you will not be hurt or touched, only those that truly love my Son will not be harmed.  God spoke the truly one's are those who do not smoke, drink, watch porn, lust after things that are not of Him and the one's that stand for Him.   If your living in sin,  you are not living right and you are not walking with me you are the one's that are in harms way.  I love all my children, but if you do not love my Son you will be judged for that, because you have had enough time.  Judgement is almost here!