Monday, May 25, 2015

The "NORMALCY" of the Lord over your "NORMALCY"

If you want everything that the Lord wants you to have are you willing to do what it takes to get there in a Godly matter. Embrace the "NORMALCY" of the Lord not your "NORMALCY". Let face it, it is only going to happen in the "NORMALCY" of the Lord Jesus and no one else. And as well let's face it, it has not happened yet because you are working in your "NORMALCY" and you do not see past it.
Let me share with you what God has showed me what His "NORMALCY" is LEGS,FEET,ARMS,FINGERS,HANDS, TEETH, and ALL INTERNAL ORGANS growing back, And I can go on and on with lots more Creative Miracles and Great Healing's that the Lord has showed me.
On April 10th 2015 the Lord spoke these words to me as I was praying for someone that was blind and after I prayed he was not blind anymore. And these were the words of the Lord "Every Miracle that I see it needs to be like it is "NORMAL" to you do not be Mesmerize by it.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Who is the real radicals

Have you ever wonder like myself why these so called radical Muslims have not attacked sporting events at stadiums, arenas there are thousands of people go to these events or where there are mass of people. But they attack a cartoon event with a couple hundred people or a marathon.Does not make sense to me at all if they hate Americans so much why don't they attack these sporting events because they go on all year around but nothing happens at these stadiums,arenas or where mass of people are at. Is it because this Government is involved with them, and these radical Muslims are on the news being interviewed on Television all the time.I believe this Government is involved up to there neck in it.

Why do we have U.S Military in 150 Countries?
Why did we attack Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia when 15 of the attackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia and NONE from Iraq?
Do you really believe that this Government had nothing to do with 9/11 and Boston bombing , Oklahoma City bombing. Have you ever wondered why the TSA have never stopped one terrorist attack but they treat Americans like the terrorist. Have you ever wondered why not one United States President has never been impeached for the things they have done? Have you ever wondered why the news media is going after Tom Brady for deflating a football but over look Hillary and Bill Clinton's Criminal life style?

And just maybe people should be filming all Politicians and Presidents just like they are the Police and how much more corruption would be exposed?